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Introduction: written by Me(ben) since i m the only constant band member
Well over the years we've compiled a pile of shitty songs and shitty demos. There is like one copy of each one out there and there all collecting dust on my shelf. But soon there will be a B-side and rarity tape/CD sometime called "Songs from when we used to suck (We still do)." Here's a complete and full list of demos and stuff


High Skool Fugitives demo
1.She's already gone
2.It's killing me

This shitty shit fest was recorded in one god-awful day at Spud's (our former bass player) house

Side Project demo
1.A new way
3.The whole dude chick thing(was gonna be called
"against my better judgment" but Brett queered that up

Matt came over on a Saturday we had it done on Sunday, it had keyboard drums on one song and guitar and bass and all the others

High Skool Fugitives demo #2
1. Things are falling apart
2. she's already gone
3. summer
4. she found someone to lean on
5. punk rock star
6. Concert(remake)
7. country song (cover)
8. moving sucks
9. she' the only (cuz spud said she's the only)
10. our band is just crap
11. a new way (intrumental with drums)

this was done pretty quick like 2 days. you can hear me hit spud in between songs

The Berkley Recordings
Berkley Instrumenal demo
1. the first song
2. elevator
3. I'm a jerk
4. the not so coustic song
5. the cool cool song

we didnt have titles at that time so me and matt called all our songs that for a long time. most of them all are no comlete and are on other recordings

Berkley - the walter finklestien memorial EP
1. Intro (cheech and chong)
2. A song for a nerdy guy
3. No where fast
4. Leave it all behind (ode to my pants)
5. Another blown chance
6. the teen angst song
7. let's do shot's of tooth paste
8. the end
9. outro (cheech and chong)

singles and stuff, not part of any demo
1. Orignal I'm a jerk with vocals( song for a nerdy guy)
2. 1954
3. blister in the sun (cover)
4. first jam session
5. first recorded version of have a day (soon to be a sweet ska song)
6. the daily show theme
7. screams form the dark
8. version 1 of this one song
9. version 2
10. I wanna be like Buddy lee
11. Bits and pieces of Blink 182 covers( we never finished a song)
11. Dammit
12.Cazy train(shit fest)
13. motavation for a diferent generation

I'l add more when i feel like it

the Band's major influences
NoFX, Bad Religion, Proagandhi, The Get Up Kids, Ataris, ramones, sex pistols. Yeah once again, i'll add more when i feel like it.