About Our Band That Sucks

We are a band....

We're a punk rock band from northern Idaho. We have probably no talent, and collectively, we're not very smart.

Band Members
Ben (Guitar, Vocals) - Ben probably cooked his head in a microwave when he was little, that would explain why he's a little off mentally. He goes to Gonzaga Prep. High School. He's a little out of place. personle quote: "you can dance, you can dnce everybody look at your pants

Matt (Drums) - The best scientists on the planet Earth cannot develop a deodorant strong enough to keep Matt from stinking like horse shit. Matt attends Lake Shitty High School. He's a little out of place wherever he goes.

Brett (Bass, Vocals) - Out of the band, Brett has been voted "Most likely to become a Dom Deluise impersonator by the age of 30." He also attends Lake City High School. He eats ham.

How the band was formed....
Berkley was formed (in a round-a-bout way) in spring 2000. It was originally a side-project ska band for Ben and Matt (both in different bands) called "Side Project." Brett was in this band also (this was his only band).

Anyway, Side Project disbanded when Matt was asked to play second-guitar in Ben's band, "High School Fugitives." So, Matt quit his band, "A.S.P." and joined "High School Fugitves." The next week Spud, the bassist, kicked Matt out of the band.

Now, Matt and Brett were completely bandless, and bored as hell. In the summer of 2001, after Ben came back from a Chicago vacation and Matt came back from a New York vacation, Matt was asked by Ben to rejoin High School Fugitives as drummer after they kicked out their drummer Guy (who could only play jazz beats).

So Matt joined the band. We went through a series of names (Close Encounter, Johnny Action Figure, Small Town Heroes, etc.). Life was pretty good. Except for the fact that Spud was a very dumb person. So we kicked Spud out. Now we were bassless. We had no bassist for months, until Jim & David came onboard. We got Jim to play second-guitar, and David to play bass for the band. We liked them. They worked out well, until we realized they could never practice. So we kicked them out (but we're still friends with them), and we were bassless once again.

About a month later, we asked good ol' Brett to join and he glady accepted. Now we're happy because we back to the simple trio-format that we like and we have a new bassist.

Plus, we all fart less because of the excessive amounts of Beano we've be taking.

Hey remember that really great band 3 doors down? Yeah, they suck.